Consultant Profit Sharing Agreement

Profit-sharing plans allow the employer to make contributions to eligible employees who are not eligible to vote. 1.5 External Services. The Consultant may not use the services of any other person, entity or organization to perform its functions without the prior written consent of an officer of the Company. If the Company consents to the use of the Services of any other natural, legal or organizational person by the Consultant, no information about the Services to be provided under this Agreement will be disclosed to such person, entity or organization until such person, entity or organization enters into an agreement to protect the confidentiality of the Company`s Confidential Information (as defined in Article 5) and has entered into absolute ownership and complete of all the rights of the company. Title and interest in the work performed under this Agreement. Profit-sharing plans are often combined with 401(k) plans. Various profit-sharing formulas are available, including proportional, integrated, age-weighted and new comparability. We can help you determine which formula is best for your business. This agreement is dated 20 June 2011 and has been published in duplicate. One sentence remains with the lender, one sentence with the borrower. In consideration for the profit sharing granted herein, the Agent performs the following functions: 9.3 Entire Agreement.

This Agreement constitutes the entire Agreement and constitutes the entire agreement and understanding of the parties with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes all prior written or oral discussions and understandings with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. A profit-sharing plan, also known as a deferred profit-sharing plan or DPSP, is a plan that gives employees a share of a company`s profits. With this type of plan, an employee receives a percentage of a company`s profit based on their quarterly or annual income. This is a great way for a company to give its employees a sense of company ownership, but there are usually restrictions on when and how a person can withdraw these funds without penalties. A profit-sharing plan accepts discretionary contributions from the employer. There is no fixed amount that you must prescribe by law. If you can afford to make a certain contribution to the plan for a given year, you can do so. In other years, you don`t have to make any contributions. Plus, your business doesn`t need profits to contribute to a profit-sharing plan.

Distributor will continue to receive the portion of profits described herein from all outstanding sales as a direct result of Agent`s efforts; This Consulting Agreement, effective 201._ (this “Agreement”), is entered into and entered into by and between __ [company name] (the “Company”) and [consultant`s name] (the “Consultant”). The Consultant acknowledges that the provisions of Articles 5, 6 and 7 of this Agreement are reasonably necessary to protect the legitimate interests of the Company, are reasonable in scope and duration and are not excessively restrictive. The Consultant further acknowledges that any breach of any of the terms of Sections 5, 6 or 7 of this Agreement will cause irreparable harm to the Company and that a remedy in the event of breach of contract is inadequate and that the Company is therefore entitled to seek all reasonable remedies, including but not limited to, injunctive and other remedies available under applicable law or the agreement between the parties. are. The Consultant acknowledges that the award of damages to the Company does not prevent a court from ordering an injunction. Damages and injunctive relief are reasonable remedies and should not be considered as other remedies. PandaTip: This section is intended to regulate the aftermath of ending this profit-sharing relationship. This gives the representative the right to continue to receive all arrears (if circumstances so require), while the representative is responsible for making any further requests to the company to ensure a smooth transition. A common method for determining the allocation of each member to a profit-sharing plan is the “comp-to-comp” method.

In this method, the employer calculates the sum of all the remuneration of its employees. To determine the allocation of the employer`s contribution by each employee, divide the employee`s compensation (Employee “comp”) by the total compensation. Then multiply the fraction of each employee by the amount of the employer`s contribution. With this method, you get each employee`s share of the employer`s contribution. This Master Profit Sharing Agreement (this “Agreement”) between Grange Mutual Casualty Company, including its wholly-owned subsidiaries of the Property and Casualty Insurance Company (the “Company”) and the Lead Agency (the “Agent or Agency”) specified in your Agency Appointment Summary and Agency Agreement with the Company, will be effective on January 1, 2016 and will remain in effect until revised. replaces or terminates by the Company and supersedes all prior profit sharing and/or contingent commission agreements between the parties covering the same categories of insurance as this Agreement. .