Contract Bridge Scoring

Offer 2: West offers and makes 4♥. This brings 120 contract points below the line; since there are no overtricks, no points are scored above the line. The accumulation of 100 points or more under the line represents the end of the first part and is indicated by drawing a horizontal line. Since no game or game bonuses are awarded in Rubber Bridge, East-West will not receive additional game bonuses and North-South will not receive game bonuses. In addition, the game score of 70 north-south is no longer available for the accumulation of a game through them; the 70 points are called “truncated”, as shown in the drawing of the horizontal line. After winning a match, East-West are vulnerable to all subsequent rubber transactions, meaning they are now entitled to a larger rubber bonus if they win a second match before their opponents win one, and they are prone to increased penalties if they are defeated in a contract. If a contract is rejected, penalty points are awarded to the defendant. The value of the penalty depends on the number of sub-brackets, whether the explanatory side is vulnerable or not, and whether the contract was unavoidable, doubled or doubled. The rating is largely the same for the rubber bridge and the double bridge. The scoring elements are: For a completed contract, any strange trick (tricks on the first 6 called the book) is 20 points (♣/♦) or 30 points (♥/♠/NT). The first strange NT trick is 40 points.

They can be doubled or doubled. In the rubber bridge, they entered below the line. In double scoring, the score of each transaction is independent of all the others and is a unique number resulting from the addition of points awarded in accordance with one of the following two cases: Partscore accumulates in the same way as in the rubber bridge. When a game is over, 500 points are added, if it is vulnerable on that board, otherwise, 300 points are added. A partscore created in the final agreement gets 100 points added (but not for a remaining partscore). If the declarant in a bridge game is not able to take the agreed number of turns, the contract “fails”. In this case, the penalty points are scored on the opposing side (the side that defeated the contract). Penalties depend on the number of missing tricks, the vulnerability of the registrant, but also whether the contract has been doubled or doubled. Deal 6: East bid and make 6♦ – a small slam that holds the top five prizes.

This marks a 120-point contract game and earns a slam bonus of 750 points above the line (East-West is vulnerable). 150 honor points are scored above the line to hold the five prizes. After the east-west again collected 100 points or more below the line, he won a second game; A horizontal line is drawn to finish the rubber. We are talking here about a factor that weighs heavily in the calculation of points. If the contract is “successful”, the trick points earned will be quadrupled by two or quadrupled if the contract has been doubled or doubled. Only with the rubber bridge, a bonus is awarded for each hand that holds four or five of the honors, that is, an ace, a king, a lady, a valet or ten. If the contract is not doubled, they behave like additional strange tricks, but instead enter a rubber bridge on the line. However, if the contract is doubled, each overtrick is 100 points (200 if it is vulnerable), doubled if the contract is doubled.

Overall, competitiveness is higher in mp rating, notably: In contract bridge, the modern variant of the bridge, the vulnerability of each party varies from transaction to transaction depending on the number of transactions. Vulnerability aims to diversify opposing situations and make the game more interesting. However, as bonuses for matches and slams are attractive, more of them are offered and the most important thing is to make the contract as overtricks are almost worthless (only about 1 IMP per overtrick) unless the contract is doubled or doubled. In addition, the choice of denomination is not as important as with MPs, that is, if you have to choose between 3NT and 5♣, just choose the one that is most likely. MP Scoring focuses on winning as often as possible, while IMP Scoring points out that it wins as much as possible. Therefore, the tactics differ between these two forms of scoring. At Rubber Bridge, if 4 of the top 5 assets are held in one hand, he/she can immediately claim 100 points above the line at the end of the trade. If all the top 5 assets or aces are kept in an NT contract, 150 points can be claimed. It`s a pure element of luck and some players don`t count it. These points are only awarded for tricks performed in a successful contract. Overtricks are counted separately.

In addition, the “insult bonus” to Gummibrücke for a double contract was only 50. This has been changed to 100, so playing 5 of a minor, doubled, overtrick, is always worth more than a small slam without a double. .