Cooley Go Shareholders Agreement

Many of the company`s decisions require the approval of shareholders, who hold at least 51% of the company`s shares. In a limited liability company, it is likely that you have few shareholders and, therefore, the balance of power can be one or two people. The shareholders` agreement can alter this balance of power by introducing certain “veto rights” for minority shareholders, giving them more weight in the most important decisions that are made. From the perspective of shareholders, the agreement provides a reference manual for situations where they need to assess the rights they have as shareholders or under what circumstances they may transfer their shares to third parties. The agreement also offers shareholders the opportunity to express their expectations of the company, e.B. by requesting a dividend policy, and can offer advantageous protection to minority shareholders (those who hold less than 50% of the shares) (see below). The purpose of the shareholders` agreement is to clarify some key issues affecting shareholders, such as. B what rights they have as shareholders, when they must be consulted by the directors on decisions affecting the company, and under what circumstances they may transfer their shares to another person. A well-drafted shareholders` agreement should complement your company`s articles of association (for more information, see our Guide to Articles and create your own articles here). It is not surprising that this is an agreement between the shareholders of a company. Essentially, the agreement governs the relationship between shareholders and the relationship between shareholders and corporations. No, there is no legal requirement to have a formal shareholders` agreement. The model articles adopt some of the elements of the sample and are designed for start-up companies with multiple shareholders but only one class of common shares.

Some parts of the sample articles are not used to shorten and simplify the document. Even if the deal needs to be improved when adding external investors, investors will be happy that the current position is clearly documented. The agreement template is designed for startups and therefore doesn`t include some of the more complex provisions you`d see in late-stage growth companies that accept venture capital investments or other forms of investor involvement. For example, the agreement does not include provisions on “dilution rights” to protect shareholders from dilution by subsequent investment rounds, nor on “trail and drag” rights related to the sale of shares by majority investors. You may also have other specific issues (i.B i.e. intellectual property) that are reasonably addressed in the shareholder agreement. Of course, you can include these and other provisions in the agreement template, but it may be helpful to speak with one of our experts to determine if they are necessary for your business and how they work in practice. From the Company`s perspective, the shareholders` agreement provides a strong and unified framework that dictates how the Company`s directors must operate in certain situations, e.B. that they need to consult if they want to allocate shares to new investors or give options to key employees. This can ensure the stability of the company in case of disagreements or conflicts in the future.

A shareholders` agreement is beneficial to both the shareholders who invest in your business and the directors who run your business. Background: When you start a business, the applicable state corporate law (usually Delaware) provides a set of standard rules to govern the company, and the company`s bylaws implement and embody many of them. For example: how directors are elected, whether shares are transferable, who are the officers of the company, how to vote on shares, etc. In addition, we will typically enter into acquisition agreements with the founders that define how the shares will earn and when they will expire when the person leaves the company. (This is in itself a form of “shareholders` agreement” because it binds each founder to the company and therefore to the other founders, even if it is an agreement between each individual and the company.) A copy of the articles must be submitted to Companies House. .