Do You Have to Get a Contract Notarized

Do You Have to Get a Contract Notarized?

Contracts play a critical role in many business transactions and personal agreements. They set out the terms and conditions of a deal, establish legal obligations, and provide clarity and protection for all parties involved. But when it comes to the formalities of signing a contract, many people are unsure whether they need to get it notarized or not.

The short answer is that it depends on the type of contract and the laws of your state. In some cases, notarization may be required by law, while in other cases it may simply be recommended or optional. Let`s take a closer look at what notarization entails and when it may be necessary.

What is Notarization?

Notarization is a process by which a neutral third party, known as a notary public, verifies the authenticity of a signature on a legal document. The notary public affixes their official seal or stamp to the document, indicating that the signer has been identified and has signed the document voluntarily and with full understanding of its contents.

Notarization is typically used for important legal documents such as deeds, wills, power of attorney agreements, and contracts. It is designed to prevent fraud and ensure that the document is legally binding and enforceable.

When is Notarization Required?

The requirements for notarization vary depending on the state and the type of document in question. In some states, certain types of contracts must be notarized in order to be legally valid. For example, some states require that real estate contracts be notarized before they can be recorded with the county. Other states may require notarization for contracts related to marriage, adoption, or business transactions.

In general, however, notarization is not required for most types of contracts. If the contract is between two individuals or businesses, and does not involve real estate or a legally regulated industry, then it is unlikely that notarization will be necessary. However, it is always a good idea to consult with an attorney or a notary public to determine whether notarization is required or recommended for your specific situation.

Benefits of Notarization

While notarization may not always be required, there are some benefits to having your contract notarized. First and foremost, notarization adds an extra layer of protection against fraud. A notary public is an impartial witness to the signing of the document, and their seal indicates that the signer is who they claim to be and that they signed the document willingly and with full understanding of its contents.

Additionally, notarized documents are more likely to be accepted as evidence in court, as they provide a clear and verifiable record of the agreement. Notarization can also give the parties involved greater confidence in the validity and enforceability of the contract.


In summary, while notarization is not always required for contracts, it can provide an extra level of protection and validity. If you are unsure whether your contract needs to be notarized, consult with an attorney or a notary public to determine the requirements in your state. By adhering to legal formalities and taking necessary precautions, you can ensure that your contracts are legally binding and enforceable.