Peace Agreement Nyt Crossword Clue

Are you a crossword enthusiast who loves solving the New York Times crossword puzzle? If so, you may have come across the clue “peace agreement” in one of your puzzles and found yourself stumped. Don`t worry; you`re not alone. This clue can be a bit tricky, and there are several possible answers that fit the bill.

The first possibility is “treaty.” A treaty is a formal agreement between two or more countries that outlines terms of peace, trade, or other issues. Treaties can take years to negotiate and are usually signed by high-level government officials or heads of state. The Treaty of Versailles, which ended World War I, is one of the most famous treaties in history.

Another possible answer is “accord.” An accord is a formal agreement between two or more parties that resolves a dispute or establishes terms of cooperation. The Oslo Accords, signed in 1993, were a series of agreements between Israel and the Palestinian Liberation Organization that aimed to resolve the long-standing conflict between the two sides.

A third answer that fits the clue is “pact.” A pact is a formal agreement between two or more parties that establishes mutual obligations or commitments. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), for example, is a pact between several countries that commits them to mutual defense in case of an attack.

When trying to solve this clue, it`s important to look for any additional clues in the puzzle that may help you narrow down the answer. For example, if the crossword includes clues related to specific historical events or international relations, that may give you a hint as to which answer is correct.

In conclusion, “peace agreement” can be a tricky clue in the New York Times crossword puzzle, but with a little knowledge of international relations and history, you can find the right answer. Whether it`s “treaty,” “accord,” or “pact,” the answer will always point to a formal agreement between parties that aims to resolve a conflict or establish terms of cooperation. Happy puzzling!